About Me


Eva Bekkelund-Eriksen

What do you consider to be most important in life?
Not so easy to answer perhaps as there are many aspects in life which is important, like family, friends, job, economic security, hobbies. All of them could be important as each of them make life meaningful. Still there are one or two topics which I want to focus on as they are important for me: Honesty and integrity. To live a life with a honest mind and to keep one`s integrity as best one can, is in my opinion, some of the most important qualities in life.

In this modern time of age, we are all eager to succeed.  Not as a human, but as a productive person, who reach new higher levels at work and who earn more and more money.  The title and size of valet is of greater value than what you are as a human being. This is a kind of poverty which is as dangerous as lack of food and nutrition, as the soul and mind gets empty.  This makes us more lonely and vulnerable.

Integrity is a difficult word, but to keep its integrity does not mean that you have to live a life without compromises- as this is impossible.  You just have to look into the mirror of your soul and search for those values which you want to be the fundament of your life.  Through reflections you can take steps into new room in the labyrinth of you mind and you can get insight in your own personality and be able to understand others.

If you find the gateway to you self and your inner personality , you will also be a happier person and I believe a more tolerant one.

Have I given you any help to answer my question?  Perhaps not, but I have tried to say something of what I consider to most important for me. I struggle with my self every day, with my doubts and all my black demons which hide everywhere and all of a sudden appear in front of me. Still, I keep hope. I keep up working for those values which fill my heart with warmth. To connect with people and communicate with people is perhaps the finest piece of art as you can create lasting friendship, through love and loyalty.

The ugliness of cynicism is the enemy.  Never share table with such a guest. Leave it alone. Walk in to the future with an open mind and an open hand. Share without too many expectations and the destiny will lead you to a richer life.

Wars, revolutions, struggle for freedom, democracy, human rights and justice creates the historic lines and thus have a great impact.  Still, it is you who can influence on the development by standing up and defend those values which you think is the pillar of the society.  Your voice is the most important one. You own the democracy, not politicians.

Think of that: You are unique. We all are.

I hope this blog will be a positive addition to your thinking, perhaps sometimes inspire you – or also depress or provoke you.

Still, I am what I am.. and you are what you are. Let us respect each other and share views and reflections.

Personal Information:

Eva Bekkelund-Eriksen
Norwegian, Journalist
Working Experience:

Local news, National Politics, International Affairs and Feature Writing
Wide Range of Interest:

Politics, society, litterature, walking, movies, theatre.

My historic archive of signature from world leaders
Writing short stories and poems
Connecting with people of different countries, religions, cultures.